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To ensure that donors to the A Better Future for All have full confidence in the Society and its appeals,
the following donors’ rights are recognized. All Donors have the following rights:

  • To be clear about our mission and how A Better Future for All intends to spend their donations;
  • To know that their donation will be used for the purpose for which it was given;
  • To trust that information about their donation will remain confidential to A Better Future for All
    to the extent provided by law;
  • To be assured that their donation will be banked promptly and spent within a reasonable time;
  • To receive appropriate thanks and recognition;
  • To receive, upon request, all published financial statements;
  • To know that complaints will be taken seriously, handled promptly, and responses will be sent
  • To seek accurate professional advice on tax efficient giving methods;
  • To receive prompt and accurate answers to questions;
  • To be provided with reports on the way that funds have been spent;
  • To be treated professionally and with respect during fund-raising campaigns;
  • To choose to be excluded from any future solicitations;
  • To expect that there is a fair and proper balance between the interests of donors and the aims
    and objectives of A Better Future for All;
  • To know that there is no obligation to buy an incentive or to return it;
  • To know whether an individual soliciting funds is a volunteer, an employee, a hired solicitor, or
  • To have the right to remain anonymous;
  • To know that donor names will never be sold;
  • To request that their name not be exchanged for fundraising purposes; and
  • To have the right to escalate a complaint to A Better Future for All’s Board of Directors.