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Please read the below carefully before registering for a A BETTER FUTURE FOR ALL webinar.


The views expressed by speakers or other third parties in A BETTER FUTURE FOR ALL webinars are those of the speaker or third-party and not, necessarily, of A BETTER FUTURE FOR ALL.

A BETTER FUTURE FOR ALL makes no representations or warranties about the accuracy or suitability of any information in the webinars and related materials (such as handouts, presentation documents, and recordings); all such content is provided to webinar registrants on an “as is” basis.

Furthermore, the presentation of any material or information by a third party regarding any specific opinion, commercial product, process, or service by trade name, trademark, manufacturer, or otherwise, does not constitute or imply A BETTER FUTURE FOR ALL’s endorsement or recommendation of such opinion, process, service, item, or organisation. Any such material or information presented by a third-party in any format at A BETTER FUTURE FOR ALL webinar, without limitation, is for informational purposes only.

To the extent permitted by law, A BETTER FUTURE FOR ALL and its agents, staff, and experts exclude any and all liability for any loss, claim or damage, cost or expense, including any indirect or consequential damages or lost profit, whether arising in negligence or otherwise, suffered in connection with the access to, participation in, or use of the webinar by you or any other person. By acceding to this service, you acknowledge that the information and materials contained in the webinar may contain inaccuracies or errors.

Participants registering to a A BETTER FUTURE FOR ALL webinar agree that:


  • Personally, identifiable information of the participants may be heard, seen, read, collected, or used by A BETTER FUTURE FOR ALL as the organiser and other webinar participants.
  • Any communication or information transmitted during the webinar, such as voice, instant messaging displaying names of those intervening, and presentations, are available to the webinar audience and are also recorded for A BETTER FUTURE FOR ALL’s further promotion and information purposes.
  • A BETTER FUTURE FOR ALL may further use the information available on the webinar such as invitees lists, attendee logs, information on the webinar subject matter, and recordings thereof.
  • Information provided by participants as part of their registration can be used by A BETTER FUTURE FOR ALL for statistics.
  • Registered participants agree that A BETTER FUTURE FOR ALL contact them for promotion and information about current and future A BETTER FUTURE FOR ALL webinars and events.
  • A BETTER FUTURE FOR ALL expects participants to conduct themselves professionally and with respect towards the individuals (A BETTER FUTURE FOR ALL and other service providers) involved in organising, delivering, and conducting the webinar. Failure to do so may lead to the participant’s exclusion from A BETTER FUTURE FOR ALL webinars.
  • A BETTER FUTURE FOR ALL, its experts, staff, volunteers, and agents cannot be made liable in case the webinar is cancelled, or for any technical problem arising before, during or after the webinar.
  • Participants will not make audio or visual recordings of the webinar in any medium—and will not distribute audio or visual recordings of the webinar (via social media or any other means). Only A BETTER FUTURE FOR ALL or its representatives may do so.
  • Participants will not take or distribute pictures of or copy of research posters/presentation materials unless explicit permission is granted.

By registering and logging onto a A BETTER FUTURE FOR ALL webinar, participants consent to the above.